Water Polo in North Belfast

Junior session in the Grove Wellbeing Centre

Where: Grove Wellbeing Centre

When: Wednesdays from 8.00 to 9.00pm (starting Wednesday 15 January)

Who: Boys aged 10 to 14 who can swim two lengths front crawl and two lengths back crawl are encouraged to come and try out.

What: Swimming and water polo!

Why: It’s a great work out that improves strength, fitness and flexibility. It develops team work and leadership skills. It’s for people of all abilities.

How: For more info or to arrange a trial session contact us or email cuchulainn.waterpolo@gmail.com.

Cú Chulainn and North Belfast

One of our founder clubs was Grads Water Polo Club, which was based in the Grove and enjoyed great success in the area.

We’ve historically had a session in North Belfast and have great links with local primary and secondary schools (in particular, St Malachy’s College and BRA).

Our junior session didn’t resume after Covid, but we think the time is right to grow the sport for boys in the north of the city.